It was April 2020. Covid ravished NYC. We fled to Texas. “The Girls on the Bus,” a show I'd worked on for a year and loved to my bones, felt uncertain with Covid halting productions. It was bleak days for everyone. BLEAK, friends. But then @gberlanti@sarahsowitty@wbclancy and others, urged me to write something new... and I did. It's a family drama for @hbomax that I can hopefully tell you more about soon. But today I watched one of the best directors in the industry - and an incredible actor - read the words I first wrote in those uncertain days in Texas. The script has been revised about a million times since then, but still... It felt surreal. I’m oversharing all of this, in case things get bleak. We all need a reminder that getting back to the thing we love - our art, whatever it is - is the only way through. 🙏🏻 🎬🙏🏻
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