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Carla Gugino and Melissa Benoist Are the Best Duo in ‘The Girls on the Bus'

Carla Gugino and Melissa Benoist Are the Best Duo in ‘The Girls on the Bus'

From journalism rivals to partners-in-crime, their friendship sticks out from the rest.

Sadie and Grace stand out as an unstoppable journalist duo covering elections.

Grace prioritizes her friendship with Sadie over breaking a scandalous story.

Sadie and Grace decide to work together to investigate a candidate, proving teamwork triumphs over competition.

Max's latest women-led series,Thegirlsonthebus , follows four political journalists covering a U.S. election. Throughout the episodes, these reporters—from rival outlets, no less—bond over their personal lives and struggles on the job, setting aside their contrasting beliefs for friendship. Sadie (Melissa Benoist), Grace (Carla Gugino), Lola (Natasha Behnam), and Kimberly (Christina Elmore) are all about covering the events leading up to elections, but their unprecedented friendships are at the heart of the series.

Despite the fact that all of them get along in one way or another, the duo that truly stands out is Sadie and Grace. As two experienced reporters joining the campaign trail yet again, it's an unsaid rule that they will sit side-by-side on the bus and share with each other even some of their most guarded secrets. Despite having contrasting work styles and personalities, these Best friends friends make it clear that not even the biggest scoop

can stand between them.

The Girls on the Bus' Pilot Introduces Sadie and Grace as Longtime Campaign Trail Buddies

Episode 1 gives a brief look at these two industry colleagues, with the two reuniting at the bar during the first campaign stop in Iowa. Grace is aveteran jornalist

who has been covering elections for the past three decades, so she's very selective about her company on the road. Only Sadie is able to get to her at the beginning of the series, which already sets the tone for how important their bond is to both of them.

When Sadie is determined to get back on her feet after being publicly humiliated in the previous election, she tells Grace that she will try to be detached and objective this time around. Given her expertise, the reporter is very supportive of her optimistic friend's eagerness to not get so carried away by the people she's writing about, especially when it comes to politics.

Grace Keeps Sadie's Scandal Under Wraps Because of Their Friendship

During this journey to reinstate her credibility as a reporter, Sadie learns that Felicity Walker (the candidate she covered in the previous election, played by Hannibal alum, Hettienne Park) is running for office a second time. However, it becomes clear that Walker isn't fond of Sadie or her coverage, which strips away the journalist's rose-colored perspective on the politician. This shift in perception helps her report on Walker through a more objective lens, but it doesn't prevent her from getting into trouble again. The issue in question is Sadie's hookup with the politician's press secretary, Malcom (Brandon Scott), which ends up being questioned by HR as a conflict of interest.

As previously mentioned, Grace is very picky about who she hangs out with, and although she warms up to Lola and Kimberly throughout the season, she notices Sadie's absence right away in Episode 5. When she hops onto the bus and doesn't see her friend on the seat beside her, she calls Sadie immediately and finds out about the hookup incident. Despite Grace being known for breaking the news before anybody else (and could easily use Sadie's situation to her own benefit), she decides to keep her secret. This moment is extremely telling about their friendship

and how—even in a scandal like this, which could easily further Grace's career and destroy Sadie's forever—they prioritize their bond over anything else.

Instead of Competing for the Scoop, the Duo Decide To Work Together

By the end of Episode 5, Sadie is able to return to the campaign trail after HR agrees that her reporting was not affected by her relationship with Malcolm. When she receives the good news, the first person she runs to meet is Grace, who gladly welcomes her industry colleague back with open arms. They decide to join forces and investigate Walker together, giving them the opportunity to surpass work rivalry and use each other's strengths to get the scoop.

Episode 6 establishes their team effort, truly showing audiences that they're the of the series. From starting the episode investigating Walker's donors to getting a phone number from a contact on the bus, it's thrilling to see them get one bit of information followed by the next. A scene where Grace is able to get the contact information that they were looking for (while Sadie is distracting Malcolm) seems to foreshadow what they'll hopefully be able to accomplish by the end of the season.

The Girls on the Bus might be focused on the various friendship variations between the four journalists that star in the series, but it's no secret that Sadie and Grace are the duo to root for. From their already established connection in the pilot to how they were able to rely on each other even when their personal lives got in the way of their profession, it's clear that there's a depth to their bond in comparison to the others on the show. Seeing them work together on the Walker story is a highlight of their journey onscreen, as it truly shows that getting the scoop on a candidate amid a heated campaign can be a much sweeter accomplishment as a team than just individually.

The Girls on the Bus is available to watch on Max in the U.S.


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