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Natasha Behnam talks Thegirlsonthebus


From Sex and the City to Girls to The Sex Lives of College Girls, shows centering on four very different women can be a ton of fun, and The Girls on the Bus is no different. Instead of the Big Apple or university campus, however, the quartet in The Girls on the Bus lives, well, sort of everywhere as they travel across the country covering the election. There’s Sadie (Melissa Benoist), the ambitious optimist; Grace (Carla Gugino), the cynical veteran; Kimberlynn (Christina Elmore), the lone conservative in a sea of progressive journalists; and Lola (Natasha Behnam), the youngest one on the road who’s more familiar with TikTok than traditional journalism. Even so, Lola is incredibly resourceful, intelligent, and ambitious, challenging the group to look at things in a new way while also learning from them.

I got the chance to speak with Behnam about episode seven, which is a pivotal one for her character, as it dives more deeply into her past as a survivor of a mass shooting. Behnam talked about how she prepared for her intense scenes, revealed what it’s like to work with Carla Gugino, teased what might be next for her and Josie’s relationship, and more.

episodes, which is why I think this show is so great, but especially in this one because we also get to see her become disappointed in the candidate that she has really been believing in and supporting the whole time. She sees her flip-flopping on her policing views, and that almost feels like the straw that breaks the camel’s back in a way and feels very pivotal. Can you talk a little bit about that moment and how that affects her?

I think Lola is already at a 10. She’s already on the brink of destruction. And then to hear her favorite candidate be flip-flopping on issues that are really important to her I think is totally the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I think she did have a little bit of hope that maybe this candidate was different. Obviously, the freshman had no chance of winning, and in Lola’s eyes, it was like, “Well, yeah, but that’s because she’s different, and we got to get her that chance at winning. There’s no one like her, and she really cares.” But at the end of the day, she’s finding out that maybe all of these politicians are the same and nobody is perfect, and that is too much for her to handle. That’s too heartbreaking.

I like to play with the idea that maybe, deep down, Lola knew that her favorite candidate wasn’t perfect, but in this moment of time, it’s sort of the perfect cocktail of things going wrong for her to not take it and say, “You know what? No. Fuck this, fuck you.” Sorry for cursing.

[Laughs] You’re good.

But that’s how she’s feeling. She’s like, “This is ridiculous.” It’s a big heartbreak for her and the last straw.

This could potentially complicate the relationship between her and Josie, which I’m really enjoying as a queer woman. We love some sapphic representation.

Yes, yes, yes! Me too, me too! We need more of it.

And there’s just so much amazing chemistry between you guys. Can you tease the future for them or even just talk about that storyline? It’s really fun to watch.

I’m so glad you think so! It was very fun to play. Terry, who plays Josie, is one of my best friends, so we had so much fun doing this together. Without giving any spoilers away, I think you’re probably right — this probably is gonna complicate their relationship because they both bonded over their love for this candidate and how truthful she is in getting her message out. Lola obviously has a huge following, and she was recording at the event, so I think there are some seeds planted to say that maybe this is not gonna be a great move for Lola, for Josie, or for the freshman. If Lola is doing any sort of public outburst, I think we can all assume it’s gonna go viral in one way or another because of who she is. I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say that I also love the Lola and Josie relationship, and it may get complicated from this point on.

It always does.

It always does. Things can’t be happy forever.

To end on a lighter note, Lola has one of the best wardrobes I think I’ve ever seen, and her makeup is always so fun. I just stare at it the whole time I’m watching. Do you have a favorite look of hers throughout this first season that you’re like, “Oh, that’s the one”?

Oh, that’s such a hard question. Claire and Lily Parkinson, our costume designers, did such an amazing job. I loved every outfit they put me in. The hair and makeup artists, Bridget and Andre, were on that every day. It was really fun. I loved all of our Lola looks. I feel like the silliest one is the bikini that she shows up in for a “pool day” in episode three. I love that outfit because it’s like the neon bikini but also those Savage X Fenty boxers and then that button-down with the fur. The whole outfit was so cute from head to toe. So ridiculous. Other than that, it’s hard to pick a favorite because they were all so good, honestly. It’s a Sophie’s choice. Like picking your favorite child. I can’t do it.

It’s such a fun style. I’m like, “I need to buy all of the looks.”

I love that you think that. I’m so happy that her style was so good. That was really fun and important to play with.


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