Chris and I met at the perect time.
we met at the perect time in our lives.
he was so supportive and help
like a huge amont of space for my healing journey
And finding some clarity as to what I whant to do with my life,amost like paving this new launching pad so to speak,
and kind of creating that with my husband as a parther.
about Huxley
only just feel like,this is a skill I'm learning is presence and doing that
with my son,having moments , hours during the day and that I'm not near the
cell phone .I'm just watching him become the litte human that he is.
I don't want to a single moment with him, he 's so wonderful and he's like my best friend

said is very lucky that chris is who he is , that he has a lot of emparty for he because he knows everything she's been throung , that she still has traumas and he knows how to differentiate that because he's going though the same.
saind they were very much in love with each other and dindn't realize it but hadn't told each other yet
