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Supergirl may have escaped the Phantom Zone, but there are 13 episodes of TheCWSupergirl before th

Supergirl may have escaped the Phantom Zone, but there are 13 episodes of


before the series finale. Starting August 24 at 9/8c, new threats wreak havoc on National City. In the meantime, here’s the badass Supergirl herself

Melissa Benoist Is Super Sensational—And These Photos Prove It

Before landing in Supergirl, Benoist starred as Glee's singing and dancing Marley Rose.

"What I find the most interesting about playing Kryptonians is that they're so squeaky clean. Be it Clark Kent or Kara Danvers, they're so all-American that sometimes you want their moral compass to stray a bit, for them to have a dilemma." — Melissa Benoist

As Benoist's character Kara Zor-El's badass side edges further to the fore, comparisons are being made to Lynda Carter's iconic Wonder Woman

Kara's hyper-athleticism, confesses Benoist, is not a talent she herself can claim: "I still can't even catch a ball to save my life.

Benoist is a fan of . "Monday's the easiest one," she encouragingly informs our writer

During this summer's filming hiatus, Benoist is doing a two-month stint on Broadway, starring as the young Carole King in the hit musical Beautiful.

Benoist says that David Harewood,supergirl's Hank Henshaw, inspires her on many levels—and cites his turn as Othello at London's Royal National Theater as a testament to his stellar acting skills.

In Kara Zor-El's complicated relationship with love interest Mon-El (Chris Wood), Benoist also finds Shakespearean echoes. Mon-El is from Daxam, "which I guess you could relate to Romeo and Juliet's Montagues," says Benoist, "and she was a Capulet, on Krypton.

Whether pummeling her way to planetary peace on SupergirlLor rocking out on Broadway as the young Carole King, Melissa Benoist is a multi-hyphenate force.

Director of Photography Christopher Ross captured The CW star, aka Kara Danvers/ Kara Zor-El—for the July-August 2018 issue of Watch —and the results are out of this world! See this kick-ass cover girl slay in these striking photos—including web-exclusive bonus images—plus learn fun facts and interview tidbits about Melissa Benoist.

Benoist grew up in Littleton, Colorado, and moved to New York to attend Marymount Manhattan College, where she majored in theater arts. Soon after graduating from college in 2011, with a few onstage gigs under her belt, Benoist auditioned for her fate-changing role in Glee

Exposure to New York's grittiness, says Benoist, was a revelation: "Just because you might not be happy doesn't mean you're not inspired or fulfilled or stimulated.

Supergirl films in Vancouver, British Columbia—a city Benoist has come to love

Feeling a responsibility to the young women who watch the show, Benoist explains that while Supergirl's scripts pass through many hands, she too has a say in her character's behavior

We all, especially the women on the show, feel really special to be a part of it, and every day we have conversations about what we're saying to young girls, and what we're teaching them." — Melissa Benoist


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1 Comment

Carol Ann Kyser
Carol Ann Kyser
Aug 23, 2021

I'm so glad that Melissa is concerned about the positive things that she is showing to young girls and women of all ages that have a wholesome and relatable image and legacy through her Supergirl character. Being a good, decent and empathetic role model is something she does extremely well and is one of the many reasons that I admire her as a great actress and an even better person!!

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