Welcome Back, Kara
super friends reunited!-As Supergirl
(Melissa Benoist)and Zor-El(Guest star Jason Behr)make their return to National City they are determined to keep the Plantom Zone behind them and enjoy being superheroes together.
Unfortunately,their overzealous efforts backfire,creanting a whole new treart to National City.The episode was directed by Armen V.Kevorkian and written by Dana Horgan & Jair Faerber(#608).
Original airdate /24/2021.

This should be an exciting episode because as we remember that troublemaker Nyxly hitched a ride on the Super friends ship unbeknownst to anyone and she is bound to cause trouble for Supergirl, Zor-EL and the rest of the Super friends. I am looking forward to seeing the last 13 episodes of the best superhero show ever produced for TV. Kara will have her hands full trying to cover up her father's real identity from everyone else!